Get Out and About
Our Mission:
Get Out and About INC. believes that no student should miss out on the enriching experience of an off-campus field trip due to the financial constraints of individual households or school districts. The Corporation is a charitable organization that works with local schools and organizations that may host field trips to sponsor students to attend field trips for their educational and recreational benefit. The Corporation’s goal is to allow students in underserved and low-income communities of Western, New York who would not otherwise have the opportunity to participate, to experience the fun of field trips at no cost to them or their families.
“Get Out and About allowed us to take a trip during our afterschool program hours, which we have not done in the last five or so years. The services provide a great experience for our students and without Get Out and About we would not have otherwise taken this trip”
~ Michael Derr, Director of Community Affairs at Gloria J Parks Community Center
Why we do what we do:
Currently, in the city of Buffalo, among low income families there is an evident need for enriching experiences through the sponsorship of field trips. According to a research, field trips are rapidly declining, with 61% of instructors saying they are less likely to organize an instructional day trip now than they were five years ago.The decline in school trips is largely attributable to the rising cost of living, as teachers and parents are more aware of expenses like transport, admission fees, and other charges parents may incur. Help us better WNY one field trip at a time.
Of elementary school principals reported that field trip costs were a significant barrier for students in their schools.
Of teachers reported that student participation in field trips was significantly affected by family income.
Of students that say field trips made them more curious and involved in the world around them.
These statistics were sourced from the National Education Association (NEA) and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP).